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Converting a case file

Historical NEMDE case files are easily converted into a format that can be consumed by the Dispatch API by using the following code snippet.

import xmltodict

def convert_casefile(path_to_file):
    """Load a historical NEMDE case file and convert it to a dict"""

    # Read case file contents
    with open(path_to_file, 'r') as f:
        casefile =

    # Force these nodes to always return lists
    force_list = ('Trade', 'TradeTypePriceStructure',)

    return xmltodict.parse(casefile, force_list=force_list)

# Example NEMDE case file
path_to_file = '../../data/NEMSPDOutputs_2021040100100.loaded'

# Case file loaded as a Python dictionary
converted_casefile = convert_casefile(path_to_file=path_to_file)

odict_keys(['NemSpdInputs', 'NemSpdOutputs', 'SolutionAnalysis'])

Note that historical case files have a .loaded suffix, with data within these files organised in XML format.